

Blog by Rick

Epicor Handheld Count Entry

After connecting to the Remote Server via a handheld (Intermec CK3) RDP Mobile program, launch the Epicor Handheld Application.

 Enter the Employee ID of the person ENTERING the counts. It is good practice to switch who is actually counting and who is entering counts on the handheld at regular i...

05/19/2017 05:35 PM - Comment(s)
Method Directives, Data Directives, Directives or as I like to call them BPMS: Business Process Management Scripts, whatever they are supposed to be called, are probably one of my most favorite and market differentiating features of Epicor ERP. Will cover pre, base & post methods, differences be...
05/19/2017 05:33 PM - Comment(s)
How To Configure Intermec CK3's For Epicor
While working full-time for two of my clients I needed to procure, test, setup and deploy handheld units for use with Epicor 9.05 and later Epicor 10.  After working with our Intermec partner with demo's and working with end users in both cases we settled on the Intermec CK3.  There a...
05/05/2017 10:35 AM - Comment(s)
Over the last 10 years in working with Epicor software, starting with Vantage 8.03 and most recently Epicor 10, I have experienced many challenges with getting the ERP software to align with the business it is supposed to serve.  The most common challenges were User Training, Business Process, ...
04/14/2017 10:06 AM - Comment(s)
Open For Business: Accepting New Clients!

Getting started I have a few clients, but I have plenty of availability for more! With over ten years of experience specializing in Epicor software, SQL, Solution Design, Project Management and many IT tools and software packages, bringing value is what I do. With a bachelor’s degree in Informa...

04/03/2017 10:42 AM - Comment(s)

1.    Select Report Options

2.   Submit Print Task

03/17/2017 05:35 PM - Comment(s)
Last year I tripped across an odd problem in the Epicor 10 BPM Builder.  We were trying to create a BPM that would check what Bin Attributes were assigned to a Bin during a Transfer transaction so that we could default an appropriate bin, however when we tried to create a Query we could not fin...
12/16/2016 09:15 PM - Comment(s)
Just a few thoughts from a conversation I had today with a coworker: Employers should  interact with their technical employees like a consultants and treat them like family. Goals should be defined Top-Down, but how to achieve the goals should be defined Bottom-Up.  Whenever these r...
12/12/2016 10:08 PM - Comment(s)

Recently (Summer 2016) with the help of Craig Moore at Viridian Systems Consulting we were able to construct a BPM that would change the default From Warehouse and Bin when using the Issue Material program in Epicor 10.  Instead of defaulting to the Part's primary bin logic ...

12/02/2016 11:05 PM - Comment(s)