Printing From Epicor

03/17/2017 05:35 PM Comment(s)

    How Does Epicor Printing Work?

1.    Select Report Options

2.   Submit Print Task

3.    Epicor Server Task Agent retrieves the report data to a data file or SSRS Report database on the server.

4.   Epicor Client System Monitor checks your server user directory or SSRS Report database for the file to arrive.

5.    Upon arrival, the Epicor Client retrieves the file and the Report Template and merges the two files into your Crystal               Report.

    What Goes Wrong?
    Usually, if you are experiencing issues with printing in Epicor there are several common causes:                   

Epicor Client System Monitor Not Running

If your System Monitor is not running the client has no way to schedule nor check on the progress of any running report or process.  You can either restart the system monitor via the main menu (location of System Monitor) or just log out of Epicor and log back in.

Server Task Agent Not Running

No server architecture is perfect and it is common for IIS App Servers and Windows Services to fail.  One symptom of the Task Agent not running can be seen in the System Monitor's Scheduled Task tab, if your process or report is listed in this tab for more than a few minutes you should check with your ERP Administrator on the status of the Task Agent Service.

Crystal Reports or SSRS Error

Your reports format and layout are dictated by either a Crystal Reports file or an SSRS file.  The file includes the list of data fields that it is expecting.  This list must match Epicor's Report Data Definition records for the report. If they do not there will be an error reported either in the System Monitor History tab or in the Crystal Reports Runtime when it attempts to generate the report.

Default Printer Configuration

In some rare cases reports will render unexpectedly if the printer the report is designed for is not set as the DEFAULT printer in Windows.  This is common with Crystal Reports & SSRS label printing.  Try setting the default printer in Windows and then reprinting.

Another Crystal Reports or SSRS Error

Another common Crystal Reports or SSRS error are invalid calculation results that are built into the report. For instance, if the report divides two numbers and most of the time the numbers exist or are not zero, the report will work fine, but then if for some reason the field is empty (null) or zero you will receive the errors.  This can be avoided with value checks being added to the calculated fields before the operation is performed on the values.

       Report Print Options

Report Options:  Each report will have different options. These options define the primary criteria for the report.

Dynamic Dates:  Instead of selecting a static date from a calendar, dynamic dates allow the user to select a date relative to when the report is processed.  Options like "Today", "Tomorrow", etc. are available.

Filter Summary:  This section summarizes the Filters that have been selected for this report.  Each report may provide various filters to further define the criteria for the report.  You can set filters on the corresponding tabs. When Scheduling a Report any Date parameters is VERY Important.  Often times it is best to use the Dynamic date selection option.

Sort By:  Each report may provide various different ways to sort and group the report results.

Report Style:  Each report may provide various different Report Styles.  A report style defines the layout or template that is used. 

Schedule:  There are several Schedules available in the Schedule drop down.  Select the ‘Recurring’ checkbox is this should be generated on a recurring schedule. If the desired schedule time is not listed in the drop down then contact the IT help desk by emailing

Dynamic Dates: Instead of selecting a static date from a calendar, dynamic dates allow the user to select a date relative to when the report is processed.  Options like "Today", "Tomorrow", etc. are available.

Archive Period:  This is how long the server will store the static data file for the report. It is recommended that the Archive Period for a Scheduled report to at least be 1 week so that they report is still available after a weekend or holidays. You can then recall the very same report from the System Monitor for that archive period.

User Description:  This is an optional field that you can use to quickly find different reports in the System Monitor. It is helpful if you are running the same report but with different options.

Actions Options:  In the Actions menu there are options for saving, recalling and clearing report Defaults. 
  1. If a report is frequently run with the same options, these options can be stored by selecting "Save Default" after setting the report options.
  2. Later when the report needs to be ran again with the same options, select ‘Get Defaults’ to recall the defaults.
  3. If the defaults are no longer required select "Remove Defaults".

Print:  In Epicor 10 there are two printing options when printing, ‘Server Printer’ and ‘Client Printer.’  The ‘Server Printer’ feature will be used in the future to better manage Epicor.  Selecting ‘Client Printer’ is the best option until Server Printers are configured.

Print Preview:  For print previewing the report in Crystal Reports or Adobe Reader (if SSRS). Most reports can then be saved to disk or printed from print preview.

Generate Only:  This option only generates the report data as an XML file.  This is normally used by report developers for troubleshooting.

Process Set:  This option will add this report to a predefined process set so that reports are processed in a certain order.  Not recommended for use without consulting IT as this option currently (10.0.700.3) interrupts all other printing and tasks.

Output Format:  This option is available if printing an SSRS report. You may select different output options.  The default is PDF, but others include Excel, CSV, Word, etc.

    Schedule a Report

Sometimes, you may wish to schedule a report to run at a certain time on a certain time interval.  You can do this with almost any Epicor report or process that has the "Schedule" option visible when running the report.  It usually reads "Now" but you can select any options that are available.

1.  Open the Report Menu Item:  In Epicor locate and open the report you wish to have scheduled.

2.  Report Options: Set the appropriate Report Options for the time it is going to run.  If the report is data sensitive and has a Dynamic checkbox, enable that and set it for the appropriate value, usually "Today" or "Yesterday".

  • When Scheduling a Report any Date parameters is very Important.  Often times it is best to use the Dynamic date selection option.
  • Dynamic Dates are relative to the time that the report will execute, so there are options like "Today", Yesterday", "Tomorrow", etc.
  • For example, if the scheduled Report is "As Of" a certain date and the schedule is "Month End", then a Dynamic date of "Today" or "Yesterday" would be desired.
3.  Define any Filters.
4.  Select the desired Sort By.
5.  Select the desired Report Style.
6. Select the appropriate Schedule.
  • There are several Schedules available in the Schedule drop down.  Select the "Recurring" checkbox is this should be generated on a recurring schedule.
  • If the desired schedule time is not listed in the drop down, then contact your Epicor Administrator to setup a new schedule via System Agent Maintenance.
7.  Set the desired Archive Period.
  • It is recommended that the Archive Period for a Scheduled report to at least be 1 week so that they report is still available after a weekend or holidays.
  • Select the archive Period that you may need to recall the report from the System Monitor in the future.
8. Select "Print Preview".
  • Nothing will immediately happen after selecting this option.  You can review the scheduled report in the System Monitor under the "Scheduled Tasks" tab. 
  • After the scheduled time is reached the report will automatically load and display on your screen the next time you log into Epicor.
  • Depending on the Archive Period you selected you can recall the report from the System Monitor under the ‘History’ tab by selecting the report task and selecting the Print Preview icon in the System Monitor.
If you need any assistance with Epicor printing or have any questions related to Epicor software, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I would be more than happy to help and provide support.
