Epicor provides the ability for users to personalize their program screens to add or simplify functionality. In addition, users can export their personalization's as either a backup or to share with others. Others can then import the personalization file and adopt that personalization. Please note that personalization importing OVERWRITES any existing personalization's that users may have had previously. Importing replaces, it does not append.
1. Export: Open the personalized Epicor program
1. Export: Open the personalized Epicor program
Open the personalized Epicor program from the main menu. This would be done under the user account that has the personalization that needs to be exported.
2. Select "Personalization" from the Tools menu
2. Select "Personalization" from the Tools menu
3. Select the "Export" Button
4. Select a Location to Save the Personalization File
5. Exit Personalization Mode
The Personalization is now saved, and you may exit Personalization Mode by clicking on the OK button in the Control Properties window.
6. Import
7. Select "Personalization" from the Tools menu
8. Select the "Import" Button
9. Select the Personalization file
10. Apply the Personalization
Click on the OK button in the Control Properties window to apply and exit Personalization mode. Please note that personalization importing OVERWRITES any existing personalization's that user may have had previously. Importing replaces, it does not append.