Epicor Job Auto Receive Hierarchy

05/27/2016 04:55 PM Comment(s)
Following is the hierarchy used for the Auto Receive Into Inventory function. Every part requires that a default warehouse (default comes from the company configuration but can be overridden or added to in the part master). In addition, every warehouse is required to have at least one bin associated with it. Thus, when you set up a part, at the very least it will have the default warehouse associated to it and the warehouse will have the default bin (from the warehouse master) associated to it. For the Job Auto Receive functionality to be triggered the following settings must be set:
  • Resource Group\Resource: The resources that are used as the primary resources on Auto Receive operations the Auto Move checkbox should be enabled. Otherwise when the Auto Receipt is triggered it will only create a Material Queue that would need to be processed by a Material Handler.
  • Job Operation\Method Operation : For the operation that should trigger the Auto Receive the Auto Receive checkbox should be enabled.  It also doesn't hurt to enable the Final Operation checkbox as well, which will tell the job to monitor that Operation's complete qty to determine the Job Complete Qty.
For each Job that is created for Make To Stock the demand link is for a specified warehouse which is determined by the warehouse that is demanding the Part when MRP generated the Job. The following hierarchy is used for the Job's Part Warehouse from the Make To Stock Demand Link
  1. Part Warehouse Primary Bin

    If a primary bin is designated in the part master/warehouse file, the transaction will take that bin.
  2. Part Warehouse's Single Bin

    If a primary bin is not designated in the part master/warehouse file but one bin is associated to the warehouse for that part, the transaction will take that bin.
  3. Part Warehouse's First Alphanumeric Sorted Bin

    If a primary bin is not designated in the part master/warehouse file and more than one bin is associated to the warehouse for that part, the transaction will take the first one, alpha-numerically, based on the bin ID.
  4. Job Warehouses Bin

    If there are no bins associated to the part master/warehouse file, the transaction will take the first bin from the warehouse master. (with a list of multiple bins, the one at the top of the list is used.)
If the primary warehouse and bin are changed in the warehouse after the job is created, the auto receive will still go to the original primary WH/Bin on the part since these were the items copied into the Manufacturing to Stock link on the Job Header. This must be updated manually on the job to reflect any changes made on the part master.
