Epicor 101: Hotkeys (Keyboard Shortcuts)

05/06/2016 08:11 PM Comment(s)
Epicor provides per user options to define Global and per Program Hot Keys assignment. Global Hot Keys consist of about 10 application wide commands. Program Hot Keys are program specific commands that are configured in each Epicor program. Both are configured via the Options dialog by selecting Options from the Tools menu in each Epicor program Global Hot Keys.

1.  In any Epicor program select ‘Options’ from the Tools menu.

  •  You maybe prompted to ‘clear the form’ – Select ‘Yes’
2.  Select the ‘Global Options’ tab and then the ‘Hot Keys’ sub tab.
3. Select the Global Command from the drop down to view or assign a Hot Key.
4. Select the Hot Key Short Cut you want to use for the command.
      • After selecting the Short Cut from the drop down the value is immediately saved and there is no need to close out of the Options windows and reopen to define another Hot Key.
5. In the "Launch Hot Keys" section select the Hot Key for each of the options.
      • Launch Search: by pressing this hot key when in a ‘key’ field (Customer ID, Supplier ID, Part Number, Lot Number, etc) the Search for the key will launch.
      • Launch Enterprise Search: by pressing this hot key when in a "key" Enterprise field will launch an Enterprise Search on that value.
      • Launch Maint with by pressing this hot key when in a "key" field will launch the Maintenance Program for that value.
      •  Launch Info Zone: by pressing this hot key when in a "key" field that has an Info Zone configured will launch the info zone view for the value.
    Per Epicor Program Hot Keys: Most Hot Keys are specific to each Epicor Program.  Most of the commands that are available to define a Hot Key are any of the ‘New’ options and any Menu or toolbar options including the contents of the Actions menu.  This means you can assign almost any command that is normally used with the mouse, such as New Header, New Line, Print, View Call Logs, View Attachments, etc.  By leveraging Hot Keys data entry tasks can be performed quicker and more efficiently.
    1.  Open the Epicor Program that needs Hot Keys assigned.
    2.  From the Tools menu select "Options".
        • You maybe prompted to "clear the form" – Select "Yes".

    3.  Select the "Hot Keys" tab.

    5.  Select the Command from the drop down to view or assign a Hot Key.
    6.  If a Short Cut is already defined it will show up in the Short Cut field, if not the field will read "None".

    7. Select the Hot Key Short Cut to use for the selected command.

        • After selecting the Short Cut from the drop down the value is immediately saved and there is no need to close out of the Options windows and reopen to define another Hot Key.
    8.  Select another Command to be defined from the Command drop down and select its Short Cut. Continue until all desired Command Hot Keys are defined.
